Improve the Configuration of Docker Compose with Environment Variables

I recently started working on a new python project (yeah!). This project is really interesting, but the first lines of code are at least a decade old. Fortunately, this small project is relatively well designed on a Bash script and a docker compose basis. In theory, this is rather good news, but in practice, the deployment remains quite tedious.

This is because for every new configuration, we need to edit the docker-compose.yml to change some parameters (ports numbers for instance). The easiest way to manage these different parameters would be to create a docker-compose.yml file for each configuration. But in our case, we want to keep a much finer granularity where – at any time and whatever the environment (dev, prod, …) – we can change some parameters when launching all the dockers.

This finesse in the configuration of the launch of docker-compose has asked us to automate a little more the deployment of the application, through the use of environment variables. 

Environment Variables

To use any environment variable with docker-compose,  we need to use them inside the docker-compose.yml file:

                - “${PORT}:${PORT}”

If we prefer, we can also use this format :

                - “$PORT:$PORT”

With, that in mind, we are able to produce a very generic docker-composer.yml file. We can use those variables in all the file, even to configure the entrypoint script:

          image: “XXX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX/my_container:${VERSION}”
                - “${PORT}:${PORT}”
                - /local/
                - -opt1=${OPTION1}
                - -opt2=${OPTION2}
                - -port=${PORT}

Manage the environment variables with the Environment File

The first question that should come to our mind at this point is “What will happen if those environment variables are not defined ?”. Well docker-compose will pass an empty string to any variable that will not be defined. To ensure that those variables always exist, you can store some default values in an environment file : .env. Here is an example :

OPTION1=”my first option”
OPTION2=”my second option”

Then if the .env file is in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file, everything should work like a charm.

Manage the environment variables in the script file

Back to our specific project, we want to be able to change any of these variables quickly. In our case, our project is a little more complex than a simple docker-compose command to launch all our docker images. So, to launch docker-compose, we go through a .sh script that does a number of things before launching the dockers. Among other things, this script allows us to launch some commands like docker-compose up, docker-compose start, docker-compose stop, rm, cp, …. Since we are really lazy, we don’t want to update the .env file every time we change the configuration. So we decide to update our script to set our environment variables via parameters. This solution will allow us to launch the application with all the options we need in a single order like this : 

./  --port=5050 --opt1=”test” --opt2=”test-server”

Which is very simple to do inside the .sh script. All we need to do is export our variables to our local environment at the end of the script, so docker will have access to these variables :

for i in “$@”
    case $i in
         --opt1 =*)
         --opt2 =*)

# do other things if needed…

export VERSION=”1.0”

When all those modifications are done, we just need to run our docker-compose command as usual (inside the .sh file for instance) and everything will be set-up as we want !

Give it a try, it is really cool !

Automate the Boring Stuff with Azure Resource Manager Template

If you are using Microsoft Azure Portal for your database, your web app, or any other resources, you can find useful to use Azure Resource Manager Templates (ARM templates) in order to deploy resources faster.

Those ARM templates can be run as script and can be included in a build/deployment pipeline easily. Therefore, you can quickly deploy resources for your new release, for your new development environment, or for whatever reason ! 

Here is a little tutorial to starts using ARM ! 

0. Prerequisite

Before creating a script, we need an Azure environment. Here, I will take the example of a simple Java Web App interacting with a Storage Account.  The idea is, that every time I have to deploy a new release, I need to update my application. Depending on the complexity of your system, you can use a lot of different components that are all interdependent (or not). An ARM (Azure Resource Manager) script will therefore allow you to create/update/delete those components as a whole and as many times as you want.

If you do not have an Azure account already, you can create a free one here.

For the third part of this tutorial, you also have to install Azure Cli. You can find the documentation for windows installation here.

The complete ARM Documentation is available here

1. Create the project

You can easily start by creating an Azure Resource Manager Project with Visual Studio. Select File > New Project and select an Azure Resource Group model (don't worry about the type C# or Visual Basic because it has no impact on the project)

Once you click on Ok, a popup appears to select an Azure Model. To fully understand what we are doing, select the Blank Template. But you can select a more relevant template based on your needs. 

The azuredeploy.json file is as follows : 

  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {},
  "variables": {},
  "resources": [],
  "outputs": {}

$schema and contentVersion are the current versions of the ARM script used ; parameters is where we are going to put all our parameters that we need to gives to the script ; variables is for defining multiples values that will be used in the template ; resources will content our different components ; and outputs is a specific place to specify returning values when the script as been run.

The azuredeploy.parameters.json file is describe as follows :
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {


In this file, we are going to put all of our parameters values. This is very handy since it is an easy way to update our parameters without changing the main script.

2. Describe our Web App

Now that we have our blank template, we can start working ! First, we describe our web app. You can use Visual Studio by right click on resources(0) in the Structure JSON explorer and select Add Resource

Select a Web App and choose a name. If you have no App Service, you can also create it. In my example, I create a new one called "my-appservice". Then click on the Add button. 

When this is done, you should see that your script (azuredeploy.json) have been updated. We now have two new parameters, one variable, and our two resources : 

We then add in the parameters file the value for the my-appServiceName parameter : 

"parameters": {
    "my-appServiceName": {
        "value": "appServiceCreatedWithArm"

(You can also override the my-appServiceSkuName if you want, but he is set by default to F1.)

3. Deploy your script

Now that we have created our first script, we need to run it.

Open a terminal window and locate yourself in the repository of azuredeploy.json and azuredeploy.parameters.json. You can then run the following command to deploy your script inside your <resource group name> :

az group deployment create --name <deployment name> --resource-group <resource group name> --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json

If you don't provide the parameters file, you will have to specify the parameters values inside the command prompt.

In your Azure Portal, you can now see your deployed resources inside the resource-group you specified :

Hope this really quick tutorial give you a lot of idea in order to secure your Azure environment !

An AI on the Edge : a Microsoft Azure Story

Remember when I started by last internship four months ago ? Well, now is the time to deploy it using Microsoft Azure IoT Edge !

This is my first experience working on the Azure IoT Edge Solutions provided by Microsoft, and I have to say : this is real fun. Here what I want to achieve is to deploy my AI algorithm on “edge” devices. This process will then allow them to work disconnected from the cloud but with all the advantages of it.

Here is the architecture that I am working on :

The key of this strategy is that everything is deployed as an Edge Module in a Docker Container. Every one of those modules is autonomous and they are all able to communicate with each other through the IoT Edge Runtime (purple in the frame). All those modules can do some processing inside the device and then send their conclusion on the cloud using the Azure IoT Hub. This solution avoids a lot of messages traffic that can coast a lot of money. Indeed if my AI DCOP is in on the cloud, every device will have to send their data on it (let's say every second) which will make my system a really slow one.

What I also really like is that the system is modulate which allow me to add a lot of other process to improve my artificial intelligence. For instance, I can add to the DCOP system another AI (like a Machine Learning model) that will do some video recognition (Emotion Recognition on the frame). In some specific scenarios, we would like to add a camera in the room able to detect facial emotions, and therefore, detect when a patient is in pain.

Here, all my modules (IA DCOP, Emotion Recognition and Database) are written in Python and are running on Docker Ubuntu Xenial containers. I also add an Azure Stream Analytics that will aggregate values coming from my different modules.

To use all of this Microsoft magic, I use the Azure Portal with the Azure CLI and the Azure IoT Edge Sdk.

For those interested, I also started a little cheat sheet where I store all azure-iot-edge-runtime-ctl and docker commands that I use :

Custom Vision - A Service to Create your own Images Classifiers and Deploy it

Custom Vision is a Microsoft Service that can create a custom computer vision model based on a specific images set. This website is therefore built to help people train and deploy image classifiers for their specific needs.

What is really interesting here, is that it very simple to use ! This service works in 3 steps : upload the data-set, train the model and deploy it. Here is a little “How To” :  give it a try !

1. Upload images & Tag them

First step is to get as many images as you can in order to create a good data-set. Also, you need to determine one or multiple “tags” for each one of your images. For this example, I download some photos of dotted and leopard clothes from another Microsoft tutorial. You can then download them using this script (from the same tutorial) with Python 3.

Be aware that you must have at least 30 images by tag in order for the model to be effective. But it is not the only prerequisite : The quality of your data-set is also a very important setting. Depending on the quality and the variety of your images, your final model can be very efficient – or not !

Once you have all your data, you can create a new project. Connect you to the Custom Vision web page and click on New Project (Note : you need a Microsoft Account to sign in). Choose the more useful domain for your need. If you followed my example with clothes, choose General. Select also Classification for the project type.


Once the project is created, you can upload your images by clicking on Add Images. I suggest you to upload your images by tag in order to save time. But anyway, you can change tags later on every image (Note : Follow the instructions - the website is really intuitive !).

When all you images are downloaded, you should see all of you data classified by tags.


2. Train

To train the classifier, use the Train green button (top right of the page). The training may take a little while depending on the amount of data you provided. After the training, you can now see the performance of your model :


Note : for those interested, those estimations was obtained through a k-fold cross validation (a data scientist trick). Also Precision and Recall are common metric in this field.

If you need, you can add more data and train again your model.

Also you can click on Quick Test (next to the Train button) to select you own custom image and submit it to the model. For instance, here my model give me the tag “dotted” when I expected “leopard”.


3. Deploy…

And that’s it ! When you find a correct model for your need, you can download it and deploy it as a REST Api Service !

On the Performance panel, click on the Export button. You can use multiple platform.

For our example, choose the DockerFile format (Note : this format is really useful in order to work with other Microsoft Services). You can now run the docker file as usual :

docker build -t
docker run -p -d

When your docker is running, you can access the api with curl. For instance, post an image and get Json response from the model API (Note : take a look at the of the project you just download ! Winking smile).

Enjoy !

My First Developers Meeting as a Speaker :

Since I start my last project (Distributed AI in IoT Devices), I have to admit that I learn a lot of new things in very different fields : Artificial Intelligence, Mathematic Modelling, Project Architecture, Craftsmanship, IoT, ... This project also gives me the opportunity to experiment a lot : new language, new tools, new methods.

With that kind of experience, I soon got in touch with an association of developers : Microsoft User Group of Lyon (MUG Lyon). Thus, they submitted me to a new challenge : present my project as feedback of my experiences in front of other developers. After some thoughts, I decided to meet this challenge and to deliver my project through a very specific approach : “Are Craftsmanship Good Practices Achievable in an AI and IoT Project ?”.

Why did I say yes ?

This was a great opportunity for me to conciliate the two things I love the most in my work : Artificial Intelligence and Craftsmanship best practices.

When I start my double degree in AI, a lot of people told me that engineering and scientific are two very separate fields that are not mixable. I believe they are wrong since I did it in my current project. Indeed I currently use all of my skills (from all of my oldest experiences) to achieve this project. And I am very proud of that.

There is no reason to reject good practices just because a project involve complex mathematic calculations. Also, It allows the code to be more easily accessible from any developers : no need to be an expert in mathematics.

Last but not least, this was a great opportunity to improve my social skills and my communication capacities. I worked hard on this presentation to present this project as simply as possible, and to produce an accessible speech for anyone. Those kinds of skills are very useful to develop, and I am happy to have tested them on a real professional context.


Thanks the MUG for this great opportunity !

The meetup event :

How To “Clean Code”

A long time ago, I read the Clean Code during my first internship. Immediatly after, I started to apply the global idea hidden in this bible for developers. But this task can be quit complicated because it’s too long and the result can end up worst then before. Here are my 4 ideals that I follow in order to apply the Clean Code’s principles without getting lost.

1. Start to define what is the most urgent

The Clean Code gives a lot of little rules to apply in order to provide a beautiful and readable program : Don’t write global functions, Don’t use flags as function parameters, Functions should only be one level of abstraction, and so on… But implement all of them can take a lot of time and require a lot of practice because not all of them are that simple to achieve.
In the ocean of rules that you should use (according to the clean code), I believe that it is important to focus on just some of them at the beginning. The benefit is to achieve a more readable code quicker than expected but also to transform your “most important” rules in automatism faster. 
In my own case, here are my “most important” rules that I focus on every day :
  1. Every element of the code should have a meaningful name (file, variable, function, class, …)
  2. Max indent per method should be 2 or 3
  3. Use Constants
  4. Don’t Repeat Yourself
If you noticed, those rules only take care of the readability of the code itself. But choosing to first focus on those do not mean that I don’t try to apply the other rules. It is just my priority.

2. SOLID is difficult, but Single Responsible Principle is the key

The SOLID principles are kind difficult to achieve, especially when the project is big. (Know that the Dependency Inversion Principle gives me nightmares !)

If there is one that is the most important and the easier to use, it surely is the Single Responsible Principle : a class or a function has one and only one responsibility. Refactoring my code this way helps me achieve a more readable code quickly. This is also very convenient for testing. 

3. Don’t lose your mind

This is important for me because I am a perfectionist. But clearly, provide a perfect code is not possible.
First, because it requires too much time.
Secondly, because I can see a code has perfect, meanwhile my coworkers will still be unable to read it. It is my own perception of it.
Finally, because sometime, splitting the code too much makes it unreadable.
Even if refactoring is good, I try not apply each rule literally, because it can have the opposite effect.

4. Don’t forget tests

Last, but not least, you need to clean the tests !
They can be read by any developers to and it is not that hard to refactor them as well. It will be then easier to solve failed test afterwards ;-) .

Et Voilà !

I gave you all of my tricks to help me write better code. Of course it is just my way of doing it, so feel free to adapt those advices to your own situation.
Now, will you excuse me, I have some refactoring to do.

BDD - My Own Specification Sheet

I like to say that I don't have very much time ahead in this project, since my internship is only six months long. On one hand, this short time is not an excuse to skip tests. But on the other hand, I can not spend most of my time writing them. A good alternative for me was then to do some behavior-driven development tests.

Behavior-Driven Development test method allow me to test really important features without making me test every single line of my code. This method helps me create a minimal code that answer a specific need.

To use this method with my Python code, I use behave. Behave is a framework similar to cucumber that allow me to merge my specifications and my tests. This is really powerful since I can now show my tests results to anyone in my project : everybody can understand what is working, and what is not.

Here is a little illustration.

First, I describe my feature just like behave wants me to. I do it myself since my project is specific for my internship, but it can be written by an analyst, a customer, or whoever in charge of those scenarios.

Then, I - the developer - can assign the scenario to the right tests using specific behave tags : @given, @when and @then. It can seem quite annoying to separate those 3 steps, but everything can be store in the context. Also it makes every step reusable for multiple tests !

Behave also provides a lot of different features that can create very particular tests like the concept of "work in progress" scenarios or the use of some step data if needed.

Finally when I run those tests, results are shown in a very understandable way :

Note that the path following the '#' indicate the location of the method associate with the step. It is really useful for refactoring the code and still be able to fix failed tests.

Improve the Configuration of Docker Compose with Environment Variables

I recently started working on a new python project (yeah!). This project is really interesting, but the first lines of code are at least a d...